24/7/365 Emergency Service
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
At Smith Oil we understand the value of full service – the idea that no matter what, your heating needs are covered. This is your peace of mind. Our long-term relationships have been built out of consistent, reliable service to our customers since 1933, and our dependability is long established by our licensed, trained and experienced Service Technicians. Service is always prompt and efficient. Our customers know that if anything goes wrong with their heating system, day or night, we'll be there right away to take care of it.
Automatic Oil Deliveries
Smith Oil's fleet of trucks are at the ready for prompt, automatic delivery of oil and diesel fuel.
Diesel Fuel Deliveries
Bulk Deliveries, On-site Equipment Refueling.
Smith Oil offers both on-site diesel deliveries for equipment and general use. The competitive prices that Smith offers, combined with a longstanding record of superb service, will ensure your diesel fuel needs are absolutely covered.
Heating Installations & Repair
Efficient, energy-saving boiler/furnace replacements.
Boiler Installations - Weil McLain
Oil tank Installations - Roth & Granby
Furnace Installations - Hallmark Olsen
Competitive Fuel Oil Prices
Budget Payment Plans
Budget Payment Plans eliminate high midwinter bills by dividing your yearly costs into equal monthly payments over ten to twelve months.
Computerized Degree Day System
Scheduled deliveries to avoid run-outs.
Automatic delivery projected on a degree day system keeping your oil tank full.
Oil Price Protection Plans
Know what your price per gallon is going to be all season long.
With price stability and peace of mind. Plans available to suit your needs.
Comprehensive Service Contracts & Emergency Service
Parts replacement and labor, full coverage.
Smith oil will provide parts replacement and labor for oil burner parts and controls; annual cleaning and tune up, emergency service calls on covered parts list (see contract) with no exclusions as to the time of day or night, or limiting the number of calls.
Oil Tank Guard Coverage
Protect your tank.
Oil tank guard coverage: Oil tank corrosion additive is put into the oil tank annually, in the event of an oil tank leak; the program provides warranty coverage for complete oil tank replacement and removal.
Budgeting & Saving
Payment plans, Prompt payment discounts
Smith Oil offers incentive-based payment plans designed to work in your financial favor. Discounts for staying ahead of payments are available. Budget-friendly.
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